I've been watching Lost, the new season is going okay so far but I'm a bit concerned they're returning to the glacial pace of earlier mid-seasons. We've had three episodes now and barely a day's gone by in the show. Hmmm.
In other nerdTV news I watched the first couple of episodes of the new Terminator series and was surprised to find out it actually wasn't rubbish. Not great by any means, but not terrible. It's quite cool seeing Summer Glau doing her Waif Fu thing again.
Aside from that I've been enjoying The Wire and 30 Rock but not really downloading anything else at the moment. I'm a bit bored of media. I might start trying to channel visions from my spirit guide instead (by spirit guide I mean vodka).
So in the absence of a glut of geeky entertainment or anything like a social life, I've been looking for things on the internets to cheer me up. For example, this is solidly awesome. Also this.
Also I've discovered a simple way to judge my success as a human being, I just use the Compare People application on Facebook. This rigorously scientific system ranks me in various key areas, based on votes from my friends, to show whether I should just give it up and end it all right now, or struggle on for a few more years until dying anyway in the future TB epidemic.
So as you can see my scores aren't too bad but frustratingly I don't have first place in anything. I can only assume this is my friends' way of telling me they think I am a 'number two.'
Apparently people would like to date me, but ideally if the date consisted of having dinner on a desert island for a day while handcuffed to each other and cuddling. This suggests to me that my friends have some weird sexual kinks I am best off avoiding.
Also I am universally considered 'crazy.' I don't know if that means in a DUDE YR SO CRAZY!!! kind of way, or in a keep him away from children and animals kind of way. Maybe both?
Anyway enough fascinating self-absorption. Here is today's mp3, it's from the 2007 album Hymns For A Dark Horse by a band called Bowerbirds. I'd not heard of them before a couple of weeks ago, but it's a nice album and I really really like this track off it.
Bowerbirds - Dark Horse
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