Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I've started noodling around with a ruleset for a fantasy RPG. Yes just what the world needs, another set of FRPG rules! This one is largely inspired by PbtA games, mostly Dungeon World and more specifically Freebooters on the Frontier. Obviously there's the ur-inspiration of D&D, and I think a bit of Fighting Fantasy too. It's going to use just 12-sided dice :O

- What? Why just 12-sided dice?
Why not?

- That's not a very good answer.
Well the idea of a game using a single type of dice appeals to me. And the d12 doesn't seem to get much love. Dodecahedron is a cool word.

- What will this do that's any different to the things you're ripping off? Why not just play a tweaked version of one of them?
I mean it basically will be a tweaked version of them. Bits of them tweaked together into one hideous chimera.

- Hideous?
But beautiful in the eye of its creator! Or maybe not, maybe I'll finish the job and then Frankenstein-style take one look at it and run off in horror.

- You're not really selling this.
This isn't a sales pitch! I'm not planning to flog it to anyone.

- So what's the point of this post.
Look, who are you? Why are you interrogating me? Who let you in here?

*smoke bomb goes off*

Well that felt needlessly dramatic.