Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Copied off Sian:

I Live: in a shared house in Lancaster
I Work: on rare occasion
I Talk: rubbish, mostly
I Wish: I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller...
I Enjoy: drunken dancing
I Look: at ladeez
I Find: sharp objects on the floor with my bare feet
I Smell: nothing, due to the combined effects of smoking and a cold
I Listen: to music when I should be looking for jobs
I Hide: my cowardice as best I can
I Pray: for heat death
I Walk: all over this one horse town
I Write: lyrics for a band
I See: said the blind man (© Adrian Hunter)
I Sing: badly and loudly in my bedroom
I Laugh: at stupid things
I Can: do better
I Watch: geeky scifi TV shows
I Yearn: for a point
I Daydream: constantly
I Fall: over on dancefloors
I Want: this cold to go away
I Cry: rarely and selfishly
I Burn: in the sun
I Read: comics
I Love: Lauren Laverne
I Sometimes: listen to The Archers
I Hurt: frequently but briefly
I Fear: too much
I Hope: I meet a nice lady with low standards
I Break: danced, once
I Eat: too much crap
I Quit: jobs in bookshops
I Bathe: vertically
I Drink: tasty things, and water
I Stop: caring too easily
I Save: games as often as possible
I Hug: when drunk
I Meditate: with little success
I Miss: absent friends
I Hold: for ten minutes, then I put the phone down
I Forgive: those who would trespass against me
I Drive: some people to distraction
I Learn: by experience
I Dream: fitfully
I Have: more than I deserve, but nothing like what I desire
I Don't: know
I Made: my mother cry
I Believe: in the future
I Wait: in vain
I Need: some cigarettes
I Owe: too much to too many people
I Hate: crowds
I Feel: ill
I Know: very little about a lot
I Wonder: if anyone will have read this far
I Applaud: out of courtesy rather than appreciation

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