Sunday, December 18, 2005

Well it's that time of night where I'm staring at a shiny screen, wondering why I can't sleep, and it occurs to me that I could be using this time to do useful stuff I fail to do during my punchdrunk sleep-deprived daylight hours. Like... make lists! Because obviously lists are very useful and important things. Second only to charts.

Actually I lie, I'm not really a list/chart kind of guy generally. My neurotic tics tend to be in more of a OCD-wash-the-cutlery-five-times style than an Aspergers data-ordering thing. But nevertheless here is my exciting top 20 albums of 2005

20. Sleater-Kinney - The Woods
19. Ladytron - Witching Hour
18. Electrelane - Axes
17. Sunset Rubdown - Snake's Got A Leg
16. The Fiery Furnaces - Rehearsing My Choir
15. Minus Story - No Rest For Ghosts
14. Why? - Elephant Eyelash
13. The Spinto Band - Nice and Nicely Done
12. Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy
11. Final Fantasy - Has A Good Home
10. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
9. The Decemberists - Picaresque
8. Andrew Bird - The Mysterious Production of Eggs
7. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
6. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - s/t
5. The Duke Spirit - Cuts Across The Land
4. Destroyer with Frog Eyes - Notorious Lightning and Other Works
3. Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary
2. Animal Collective - Feels
1. The Fiery Furnaces - s/t EP

I expect in a couple of days I'll look at this list again and suddenly realise I've left out some record, but as it is I think it gives the general gist. The Arcade Fire are of course absent due to their album having come out last year. Anyone else is absent because their album wasn't good enough (I'm looking at you, Beck).

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